Welcome to Southern Maine Rail Pics

By John Erickson

Home>Railroad>Seashore Trolley>Toronto 2890

Toronto 2890

The second car type Peter Witt designed had passengers enter at the front door and exit at a set of doors in the center. Depending on how many crew members you had on the car you may pay the conductor or the motorman at the door. This type of traffic flow is still used on city buses today.

Technical Details
Number: From: Current Disposition: Builder: Built: Retired:
2890 Toronto Transit Commission Restored 2017 Ottawa Car Co. 1923 1963
Type: Acquired: Seats: Control: Brakes: Compressor:
Peter Witt, Toronto Class P-2 1999 51 K-35 XA SME (M36) DH-16
Trucks Motors
Number: Manufacturer: Model: Number: Manufacturer: Model:
2 Canadian Car & Foundry 4 Westinghouse 510A
Weight & Dimensions
Length: Width: Weight:
47’ 8’ 6.00" 39700 lbs

All Seashore Car and locomotive data is usually from The Seashore Collections Page.